The Solar Tide.
A method patented by Florent Tarbouriech
In 2015, Florent Tarbouriech, impressed by the beauty and similarity of the Scardovari lagoon, in the Po Delta natural park, with that of the Thau lagoon, in the south of France, with the help of Alessio Greguoldo and the Polesine Fishermen's Consortium, decided to import his oyster farming system into our country and this is how the Italian project also started. The Mediterranean has no high tides and oysters farmed with the traditional system have less quality and resistance than the Atlantic ones which, by training themselves to stay out of the water for some periods, become stronger. This is where the innovative system devised by Tarbouriech comes into play, capable of cancelling out the differences: the oysters are glued one by one by hand onto ropes which are in turn connected to a winch which lifts them from the water, reproducing the effect of the Atlantic tides. The frequency of the elevations, established thanks to timers on solar photovoltaic and wind panels, allows the growth of the product to be managed. The higher the frequency, the longer the growth period will be. In the Sacca degli Scardovari, a Unesco World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve, the levels of natural nourishment for the development of a mollusc such as the oyster are at their maximum. Oyster farming is eco-sustainable in itself because it is carried out in full respect of nature and because the oyster feeds exclusively on phytoplankton. In this case, it is even more so: the energies used for the development of production are renewable such as solar photovoltaic and wind power. In addition, production is 0 km away and is completely Made in Italy.

Since 2006, Maison Tarbouriech has developed a system which simulates the tides, which are absent in the Mediterranean: an innovative and 100% ecological system that enhances the quality of our oysters.
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